The Modern Software Developer

Reach a Targeted Audience of Software Professionals

Sponsorship Opportunities

The Modern Software Developer can offers prime sponsorship slots for your company to promote products and services to our engaged subscriber base.

Available Slots

Newsletter x 2 slots – delivered twice a month

Subscriber Base

Total Subscribers: 3,000
Open Rate: 50%
Click Through Rate: 3%


Newsletter Sponsorship: $250 per issue

Mental Health Chats Email – sent out weekly

Subscriber Base

Total Subscribers: 3,000
Open Rate: 40%
Click Through Rate: 3%


Mental Health Chats Email: $195 per email

Additional Exposure

Linkedin Newsletter

Both a shorter version of the newslteer and the Mental Health Chats availability is also published to 6,500 subscribers of our LinkedIn newsletter.

Linkedin Post

The Mental Health Chats and sponsor will also appear in a linked post each week.

Resources & Tools page on my Website

Contact Us

If you’re interested in sponsoring The Modern Software Developer or have any questions, please contact us:


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